

MhAS: MetaHeuristic Algorithms Simulator

- You´ll need Java installed to view this page appropriately -

A global maximum is a point x* for which f(x*) ³ f(x) for all x, in other words, the largest overall value of a set, function, etc., over its entire range.

Similarly, a global minimum is a point x* for which f(x*) £ f(x) for all x (the smallest overall value of a set, function, etc., over its entire range).[1]

Any global maximum (minimum) is also a local maximum (minimum); however, a local maximum or minimum need not also be a global maximum or minimum.

It is impossible to construct an algorithm that will find a global minimum/maximun for an arbitrary function [2]. Below, you will see a demonstration applet that use meta-heuristic that try to do this for continued functions.

My framework for metaheuristic algorithms has 5 until now: (update 28/02/2006)

- Genetic Algortihm (for an introduction about genetic algorithms try this page)
- Simulated Annealing (SA)
- Hill-Climbing
- Iterated Local Search (ILS)
- Greedy Randomize Adaptative Procedure (GRASP)

Launch it HERE (in your desktop with Java Web-Start) or click below to open the applet in a new page.




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Create by Marcelo gaTTo

This applet is open-source, you can get it here.
